Random Subjects

 Inspiration can start anywhere. When the image is a one-off or the series is just beginning or partially sold it fits in my Random Series.

“Free Association”

Inspiration: Charcoal dust on watercolor paper. I’ve always done home arts such as sewing, embroidery and quilting. Now I’m fascinated with machine embroidery. This collage allowed me to incorporate embroidery on cheese cloth as my center of interest. This technique was also used on “Ancient Dreams” part of my Mid-Century Modern series.

“Table for One”

This was a collage challenge for interpreting Cubism. Some items in this collage are paint skins, corrugated cardboard, twine and my favorite, an image of a wine label from Italy that has our last name, Rizzardi, on it.

“Stop the Presses”

I have been experimenting with black texture and shiny versus dull. This collage includes the previous Cubist collage, “Table for One” as the imitation newspaper photograph.